5 Basic Techniques Applied By Singapore Physiotherapist

Physiotherapy clinic in Singapore accepts patients who suffered from bruises to fractures; physical therapists (PTs) who work here are expert on human body assessment and help on restoring the injured part back to its optimal performance.  With their knowledge, experience, and cutting edge tools, they can help diagnose and treat a lot of movement disorders and common ailments. But even without the widely available innovative machines, PTs most useful tool for physiotherapy treatments is their hands.

This article features physical therapists’ five common techniques they use when applying the necessary treatment.

The Physical Assessment

In the treatment process, the initial step every PT does is to evaluate the situation of the patient. The therapist will conduct a detailed interview about the patient’s condition, how the injury happened, his medical history, and other related information. It is possible that a PT can address or lessen the pain quickly but this will only be temporary unless they identified the problem’s root cause.

There are cases when patients seek the help of PTs for reasons not previously stated like these causes: overuse injuries, knee pain, and low back aches among others. After hearing the patient’s issues and proper assessment, the PT will start to layout a treatment plan which usually include one or more of the following: manual therapy (stretching, exercise and massage) and passive modalities (heat, ice, electrical stimulation, and laser therapy).

The Treatment

  1. Manual Therapy

This method is known as the hands-on approach which makes PTs different from other health practitioners. This procedure usually involves tactics such as hands-on strengthening exercises to re-educate the body into proper mechanics and movement, massage and stretching.

Best for any kind of injuries

Passive Modalities

  1. Heat

According to a physiotherapist in Singapore, heat application is very effective on increasing a person’s mobility after an injury and on decreasing pain especially on the areas related to tendons, muscles, ligaments and soft tissue.

Best for injuries related to muscular tightness and spasms.

  1. Ice

Ice is a very effective method in reducing inflammation, even for its prevention. After you apply ice on the injured area, the blood vessels are constricted. Such cold therapy application leaves the joint more mobile which can be further enhanced by manual therapy.

Best for injuries related to swelling and inflammation.

  1. Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation or known as ESTIM is a method wherein the aim is to restore the muscular function of a person’s body after suffering from a traumatic injury. Singapore physiotherapist applies a minimal but steady electrical stimulus; this can cause contractions of muscles that may otherwise remain inactive. If addressed properly, the muscles can function like before.

Best for injuries related to muscular strength restoration

  1. Laser Therapy

In the method of using laser therapy, it uses specific light wavelengths to stimulate the healing process. This procedure also allows PT to move the injured joint around a lot easier and with minimal discomfort.

Best for connective tissue or muscular injuries

There are other methods used by physiotherapist which depend on the type of injury a person got into. To solve related issues, always seek the experts’ opinion and don’t just rely on non-medical based information to avoid further damage.